Tom Trenney
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Known for his engaging improvisations on hymns, submitted themes, silent films, scripture, poetry, and artwork, Tom Trenney became the first organist to be awarded First Prize and Audience Prize in the American Guild of Organists’ (AGO) National Competition in Organ Improvisation in 2006.
Tom has performed at Royce Hall (UCLA), the Schermerhorn Symphony Hall (Nashville), Benaroya Hall (Seattle), Ocean Grove Auditorium (New Jersey), Portland Municipal Auditorium (Maine), Spreckels Organ Pavilion (San Diego), and Verizon Hall at Kimmel Center (Philadelphia); and has served as organist and clinician at regional and national conventions of the American Guild of Organists, the Organ Historical Society, the Presbyterian Association of Musicians, the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, National Association of Pastoral Musicians, the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts, and the Calvin Institute of Worship.
“… Reubke’s SONATA ON THE NINETY FOURTH PSALM … brought down the house. In Trenney’s assured hands, [it] had a nearly operatic feel … The audience stood and burst into applause …”
“Tom Trenney … staggered the audience with his electric performance, using his nimble fingers and feet to impress us all with classical music from the masters.”
“His imaginative use of familiar tunes … was simply stunning.”